TTRPG Consent Forms

So, you wanna run a ttrpg but you’re not sure what topics you can and cannot cover. Well, let’s start with why do you need a consent form. Surely you know your firends, you know what they like and dislike, you know that Friend A gets really scared of snakes and hates the thought of them slithering around. So you decide that you won’t add any snakes as monsters for your group to fight because you know Friend A is going to scream when you pop the mini on the table. Oh, and Friend B’s pet just passed away so you decide not to add in the friendly pet into the tavern as Friend B might be upset.

Or, at least I hope that’s what you’re thinking when planning both campaigns and characters.

And this isn’t just for game runners, this also applies to players too.

It’s an agreement, a contract, between everyone at the table that the game being ran will be inclusive and mindful of everyone.

There’s a reason why websites such as Does the Dog Die exist and why AO3 has an extensive list of tags for their fanfictions.

I personally use the Monte Cook Consent in Gaming checklist. It’s free and has a 13 page guide on how to approach the subject of a consent form for your table.

Another form is from this tweet by Lauren Bryant-Monk who has adapted and expanded on the original Montecook form.

And, if neither of those work, there is a pdf version from a user called DarbyDarbs on the DnDBeyond forum.

Tips to Remember:

  • Everyone is at the table to have fun. When it stops being fun, talk to each other.
  • Consent can be changed at any time. We often cannot predict what will cause an emotional change within us.
  • Use a new consent form for each new campaign, module or system. What occurs in Vampire the Masquerade is very different from Starfinder.

And finally, the most important tip of all; communicate with each other.